Designing, installation and adjustment of systems of automation Development.
Manufacturing and repair of means of measurements, devices of industrial electronics.

Production and services

    Before to start creation of any device or system of automation for any our customer, our experts carefully study the technology at the concrete enterprise. Wishes of the direction and workers on optimization of concrete technological process are taken into account. We choose types of gauges and executive mechanisms, ways of input and reception of the information, methods of integration into existing systems in the enterprise and then offer constructive decisions for effective work.

   After the system or separate devices are handed over and have already started to be used, we are always open for the further modernization and completion. We know from our experience a number of examples when introduction and further modernization of one device resulted in creation of high-grade system of automation of all manufacture.

   All production resulted in this part has been developed specially for our customers, under their needs and requirements. If something has interested you, we can modify any equipment under needs of your manufacture, build devices into your system of automation or monitoring of technological processes.

   We can no doubt develop and manufacture original electronic devices and systems of automation which are not mentioned here.

We shall embody «in iron» your ideas on automation.
From a technical project to starting-up and adjustment works.

Modernization of control systems by the equipment on the basis of PLC "Siemens"

Dismantling of old control cases, cable connections, assembly of electronic cases, replacement of drives and gauges, development controllers` software, binding to a high-level or developing a new software, mounting, starting-up and adjustment works.

Manufacturing and repair of means of measuring (License 002639 from 26.05.2006)

Checking, calibration, delivery in State checking, guarantee

Repair of frequency converters "Lenze", "Baumueller"

Testing under the loading, testing communication channel with the controller , guarantee


Repair of modules "Siemens": Simocode-DP, Simatic S5, Simatic S7

Testing, guarantee


Repair of industrial cool-system of air "Rittal", "Daikin", "Pfannenberg"

Search and elimination of outflow, replacement of compressors, repair of blocks of control, filling by a coolant, test, guarantee







Repair of the welding equipment

  • Repair and setting up control circuits
  • Guarantee

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